Friendship Series 1#

The 1st time I saw her, two cute little girls came bouncing out of the house in front of her. They just got done with piano lessons and my girls were heading in. I didn’t know who she was… but she was sweet and smiley and had a great accent. It was maybe 6 months later I saw her in a new church that we both started to attend. I noted that she was fun to talk to.

Fast forward a few years… I now know that:

*She has the best sense of humor. I love when she laughs hard enough at me (or Jeff) that her eyes water and sparkle. She’s quick witted.

*She has good fashion sense and dresses her family well.

*She is always interested in our life… her and her husband help us house hunt just incase we want to move and have looked at properties with us and for us.

*She takes in the details and will notice and enjoy the simple and small things… rarely taking life’s gifts for granted. She is restful and I always feel better and relaxed after being with her.

*She will go to the pool at the drop of a hat with me and my kids and her kids. Wrapping blankets around ourselves if it’s cold. (This actually happened just this week!) We never run out of things to discuss at the pool.

*I had the privilege of going to Florida with her . She makes the cutest photo books after all her trips. And savors her memories well.

I love that God put her in my life! And if you know her, you are as blessed as I am. ❤️

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